To Metatech Readers who Purchase
Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing
(or who did so in the past)
by Stephanie Relfe
Recently I phoned a lady who has famous people in her bloodline, as well as family connections to the military and unusual stories to tell. I’ll call her Eve. She had purchased the DVD training system Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing several months previously. I phoned her about an unrelated matter and found that she had been very sick for ten days.
Her symptoms were:
- Extreme nausea, so she was not eating.
- Throbbing pain in the neck.
- Sore throat.
- Swollen and hard lymph glands under the scalp and in her neck.
- No appetite.
She had been feeling so badly that her family took her to the emergency room. After four hours and many painful tests, the doctors could find nothing wrong. Shen she was released, she felt even worse than before she went in!
Eve felt sure that the sickness she was experiencing was related to the fact that she had recently had a lot of hidden memories resurfacing, and that programming was involved, so I offered to do a distant kinesiology session, using Michael as a surrogate, to see if Booby Traps were activated. Sure enough, they were. In the session I performed by distance on her, I found:
- Cloacals out of balance.
Virtually every abductee I have worked on has this, or one of the other centering systems out of balance. This causes emotional and health problems.
- 22 Booby Traps. They included the usual, “Die if you remember this.” and other commands to die such as “Kick the bucket if you remember this.”
They also included commands that could have contributed to the swollen lymph glands such as “Your liver stops if you remember this”, “Your lymph glands stop if you remember this” and “Die of dehydration if you remember this.”
When I told Eve of this list, she then told me that while she normally drank plenty of water, since she had been sick she had drunk very little water at all. Therefore, it would appear that the “Die of dehydration if you remember this” command was one of the causes of this, along with some of the other commands.
Immediately we removed these commands by distant healing, she said the pain in her throat had reduced by 90%.
By the next day, her energy had returned, her ability to drink water was back and the nausea had left. In fact, she was able to eat and drink normally for the first time in days.
She stated that she is now very motivated to continue her work learning Perfect health with Kinesiology and Muscle Testing.
You can do muscle testing using a surrogate when you work on babies or animals. Here is an article about the amazing things that happened when I used a surrogate to work on horses).
Normally when you use a surrogate, you have a physical connection by touch, or a metal wire, between the person being tested and the surrogate.
However, you can also ‘tell’ the surrogate body to be surrogate for someone else, after you first confirm by muscle testing that the body is “Willing and able to go surrogate for (name)”.
This works because our brains are holographic and the universe is holographic and so we have the potential to be connected energetically to everything.
I have done this a number of times for other people a long way from me, and have often found out things about them that I did not know before. For example, I worked on a woman in New Zealand and found and corrected an imbalance in her heart energy. She then told me that she had had a heart murmur, which stopped after I re-balanced the heart.
Another woman in another country was under extremely severe spiritual attack, to the point she was collapsing and in quite some danger. She even sounded like a completely different person on the phone. She had been in this condition for weeks. We located the source of the problem, handled it and she was back to her normal healthy, happy, energetic self within two days.
When I removed booby traps from another woman who was in Europe, I found booby traps such as “Die of brain hemorrhage if you remember this.” I later found out that the woman, who was relatively young, had experienced extremely blood shot eyes, which presumably were from these commands.
I also did some work once on a relatively young woman who was overseas, who had to use a cane to walk with, and was able to give up the cane after I did a distant session on her. The people in the local village were amazed to see this.
I realized after working on Eve that many others need me to do this for them. Eve had been learning the DVDs, but naturally she could not continue while she was so very sick.
Therefore, I have decided to make the following offer. Anyone who purchases the Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing DVD training system, or who has purchased it in the past, may contact me and I will do a distance kinesiology session on them, for free, with the following provisos:
I cannot work on people who are on any kind of drugs (recreational or medical), receiving any kind of mental health work or involved with the occult. Vitamins are not drugs.
Please note that distance sessions are never, ever as good as working directly on the physical body. However, in the session I will do the best I can to do the following:
- Balance up the basic energy systems of the body, including cloacals and the 14 muscle balance which balanced up the energy from the main systems and organs in the body (such as Central nervous system, heart and intestines).
- Remove Booby Traps.
- Muscle test for the number of metaphysical abilities you have, and attempt to identify what the more important ones are.
If you have purchased a system, please email me your phone number if you are interested in this. If you don’t get an email back, our communication has likely been interfered with, so please phone directly. It will help if I can know the following, briefly (some people send me many pages, and I’m sorry but I don’t have time to read this). Sensitive information such as family details should be said over the phone rather than by email.
- Name.
Phone number.
- Approximate age.
Something about your present and past, such as occupations.
- Location (if you have moved).
Something about your ancestry and family.
Marriage status and names of children (Threats to children are often used in Booby traps).
- Something about your spiritual beliefs.
- Symptoms, especially weird ones.
Something about things that indicate you have metaphysical abilities.
Brief details of anything else you think is relevant or off high interest to you.
Please note that it may take up to a week or more before I am able to do this, due to demand and because this takes a lot of energy out of both Michael and myself.
I am an empath and each time I tie into the totality of what has been done to a person, and this can be very debilitating. It’s much worse if I talk with them on the phone – I found now that my eyes close almost every time when I am talking with an abductee (i.e. virtually all metatech readers).
Also, it takes a lot of energy to process and work out all the infinite varieties of possible booby traps, to arrive at the correct one.
In addition, spiritual attack can be involved each time we deal with a new person. The evil ones do not want their ‘property’ to get free. Nothing is harder than the beginning of the battle; but then again, nothing is more important or rewarding than getting free.
That being said, helping strengthen you in this way will improve the consciousness of your area, and help you to take a more active part in the war between good and evil, and thus benefit all of us, and that is why we are making this offer.
Stephanie Relfe
We did another one today. A woman in England purchased the system, and within a few days emailed me:
“On the night of — I awoke at around 2:30hrs with an excruciating headache which felt as though my brain was under so much pressure that it would explode. The pain only eased off when I got up and walked around a little. I then spent the rest of the night dozing on and off sitting upright. During the day I felt heavy headed and managed to catch some sleep for about 1.5hrs in the afternoon and woke up feeling a little better.
The same headache repeated itself last night (25th Feb) – I was awakened by the same intense pain at 1:45hrs. Not had such pain before unless it was a hangover from too much wine the night before. I haven’t consumed any alcohol for the last 2+ weeks.”
When we did a distance kinesiology session on her, these were the results:
Muscle testing indicated the following booby traps, which were removed:
“Die if you remember this.”
“Your brain explodes if you remember this.”
“Die in agony if you remember this.”
(At this stage, we got nothing. Muscle testing indicated interference with one “unknown”. This was dealt with, with the spiritual sword).
“Hemorrhage to death if you remember this.”
“Drop you body if you remember this.”
“Die immediately if you remember this.”
“Go to the afterlife if you remember this.”
“Go to your funeral if you remember this.”
“Your organs die if you remember this.”
“Go insane if you remember this.”
“Be a cadaver if you remember this.”
“Die in your sleep if you remember this.”
This lady emailed me within an hour of this session and my sending her the results:
“I’m feeling a change: I felt increase in pain initially when I did the prayers but it lessened after a couple of rounds.
About 30 mins ago I started feeling as though a layer of the weight on my head had come of. I still feel groggy and have strange sensations on the external parts of my scalp – kind of like patchy areas of mild burning especially around the occiput and right temporal area above the ear. A small area of burning on scam above left ear.
The pain in my head has moved to become more right sided. And as I finish writing this it is moving to the left side and down the side of my neck. So it appears to have started to travel.”
Shortly after she emailed me again:
“Feeling much much better now. The pain has changed and now feels like mild discomfort and so much relief. Thank you.”
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