How to Communicate by Telepathy
with People who Can’t Hear You
by Stephanie Relfe
I did not meet my wonderful husband Michael until I was 35 years old, and we did not get married until a year later. Up until that time, I was looking for my soul mate, improving my ‘shopping list’ for the man in my life, and working on myself, especially my subconscious thoughts and habits. I knew that I wanted to meet my man not just for personal satisfaction and to have someone to share my life with, but also as my “mission buddy”. One person supported by their spouse can do much, much more for the world than a person on their own can do – it’s an energy thing. I don’t know if this is true or not, but I was told that “If one positive is against many negatives, the negatives will win. But if two positives are against many negatives, the positives will win.” This rang true for me.
I figured that since I was telepathic, my soul mate would also be telepathic. I once had a vision when I was in a car with another man, in Australia, driving across the Sydney Harbor Bridge. In Australia they drive on the left side of the road. Suddenly, I clearly ‘saw’ myself on the other side of the car. I suddenly ‘knew’ that at sometime in the future my husband would be an American. On the strength of this vision, I even flew to the USA, expecting my telepathic husband to meet me at the airport! That didn’t work out. I did not understand why. If I was telepathic, and my soul mate was telepathic, why couldn’t he hear me?
One day shortly after the internet got started, I found my answer. I saw an ad for some information that I ‘knew’ had important information that I was looking for. I sent off the price of $70 for the information. I don’t remember what else was on that disk – all I wanted was one piece of information, which I am about to give to you. The piece of information that I was missing was, there is no use having a telepathic conversation with someone if, so to speak, if their ‘phone is off the hook’. And when is their phone on the hook? When are they in their alpha levels, so they can hear you; when they are asleep!
So I did what the information told me to do. I told myself, “I will wake up when I am in mind-to-mind communication with the man on my list, and I will remember why I have woken up.” I seldom ever woke up during the night in those days, but that night I was suddenly wide awake around 2.00 am. I sat up and I could ‘see’ a very big being in the room, and knew it was my soul mate. I asked him where he was (did not get an answer) and then told him something along the lines to come and meet me, in a very urgent manner.
Little did I know at the time that the man was Michael Relfe, from Florida, whom I had met several weeks before at a conference given by Nexus Magazine in Sydney. When I first looked into Michael’s eyes I thought, “He has my eyes” (meaning his soul energy resonated with mine). There was an immediate connection. The problem was, he had rage inside him from the programming the U.S. Navy had secretly put in him, and was way too argumentative. However, I maintained our friendship because he was a computer programmer, and while I did not know what the internet was, as it was brand new then, I intuitively knew that it was the way to ‘save the world’. I asked him to help me create a website, and he did so.
About three weeks after I did the telepathic conversation with the man on my list (which I did not realize at the time was Michael), I met with Michael. While I was sitting down at a table, talking with him, I started thinking, he’s so good looking – if I could just remove that rage from behind his eyes, then maybe … So I asked him if he would like to do a clearing session on the biofeedback meter. Normally, a person would then run away if this question was asked, since many people are not up to confronting the negativity in their subconscious mind (especially if they have been mind controlled). But I believe that because of our telepathic conversation, he consented.
The result you can read in The Mars Records. Most of Michael’s rage vanished within the first three sessions. We starting dating seriously, and six months later Michael proposed to me on a harbor cruise on my birthday. I knew by then that he was the man for me, because he scored so very high on my shopping list – which was particularly unusual because by that time I knew about the truth of aliens on earth, and could only be with a man who knew the same as I did. (An example of a shopping list for your soul mate can be found here). I accepted, and we organized a wonderful, cheap wedding at a restaurant on the water in Sydney, within 5 weeks!
The following is taken from the information that I paid $70 for back around 1995:
This is not the same as controlling someone. People on this crazy planet we live on are continually being controlled by such things as TV, advertisements, music, hypnosis, mind control, drugs, past painful events in their subconscious mind and demons, as well as general thoughts flying around. This is an attempt to give them a communication that will help them to break free of programming which is causing pain to themselves and others.
In fact, you have to care a lot about a person to do this. After all, you will have an interrupted night’s sleep. I have tried it a few other times for some people who needed help, and just did not wake up.
Telepathic Sleep Communication
(Original title: Subjective Communication)
“The best time to communicate mind-to-mind with another is when they’re in their alpha levels. This is when they are day dreaming, meditating and when they are asleep.
In Telepathic Sleep Communication, you program your mind as you go to sleep at night to wake you up when your brain neurons are resonating with their brain neurons.
All you really need to do is visualize the person or group you want to contact and your automatic right-brain network will do the rest.
1. To contact an individual: As you go to sleep at night, keep repeating to yourself:
“I will wake up when I am in mental contact with (whoever) and I will remember why I have woken up”….
To program yourself to wake up to talk to a group of people, say:
“I will wake up when I am in mental contact with the greatest number of my group and I will remember why I have woken up….”
2. Repeat this a dozen or more times until you fall asleep.
3. When you do awaken it is fairly important to arrange things so that you don’t fade away and drift off to sleep while in the middle of your alpha transmission.
The best way to organize this is to get out of bed and freshen up by splashing cold water over your face … visiting the bathroom etc.
4. When you climb back into bed … make sure you are not too comfortable. Prop yourself up in a slightly uncomfortable position and leave a light on.
5. At this point it will help considerably if you have had alpha training, but if you haven’t, don’t worry
6. Relax your mind and let yourself drift down into that dreamy state, while all the time telling yourself this:
“I will not go to sleep until after I have finished communicating with (whoever).”
7. Keep repeating this over and over. When you feel yourself totally relaxed start “talking” with the person (or group) in a positive, friendly way.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PROJECT CRITICISM! If you do, the circuit will be broken.
Mentally see yourself talking to the other person and explaining the problem to them. See them nodding their head in agreement. Visualize clearly a happy and positive outcome to the meeting.
8. Thank them for listening to you and visualize the meeting closed. Let yourself drift off to sleep.
If you tend to keep thinking about them as you’re going to sleep control your thoughts very carefully. Any negative mental projection may get through and undo the good work you’ve just done. The best way is to drift off while seeing all concerned celebrating a happy outcome.
9. Now as soon as possible, contact that person in real life and run your problem past them. You will probably be pleasantly surprised to find that you receive a very cordial reception and things go well for both of you.
Best results seem to be obtained by “talking” to the same person more than once, say 3-4 times a week for 2 weeks. Don’t ‘bore’ them by overdoing it. Use it for a few days and then give it a rest.
(Note by Stephanie Relfe: I find I hardly ever wake up enough to do this, and to get to Michael, I only needed to do it one time).
Here are some examples of real-life situations where you can use the magic of this communication process to everyone’s advantage:
You have a wayward child who is getting in with the wrong crowd and is rapidly heading off the rails. You communicate with them and explain why it would be to their advantage to “straighten up”. See them agreeing and visualize their attitude improving. But whatever you do, don’t preach at them.
Somebody owes you or your business money. Communicate and explain how much better they would feel if they paid. See them nodding in agreement and writing out a check. Debt collectors who use subjective communication in the manner report quite spectacular results in some cases.
Suppose you have to give a public speech. Visualize yourself standing on a stage in front of a microphone with your audience listening intently and giving you wild applause at the end. Subjectively communicate an outline of the speech to your “imaginary” audience and see yourself getting a standing ovation.
Maybe you know someone who would have their problems improve if they would turn to God.
Maybe your marriage is breaking down and you would like to correct this situation. You can use subjective communication to convey to your partner the strong emotional feelings of love and affection that you both shared at the beginning. Visualize both of you holding hands and gazing fondly into each other’s eyes. Visualize total happiness and contentment.
Perhaps you aren’t married and would like to find a suitable partner. “Advertise” for someone, eg “I will waken when I am in mental contact with the man/woman who fits my list, and I will remember why I have woken”. Picture the general appearance of the person you are looking for but keep the description vague. Project your own general appearance and requirements. Visualize you holding hands with them, looking into their eyes, kissing them etc. In general, see yourself blissfully happy while in the presence of this person. Psychokinetic synchronicity will arrange the meeting place – you don’t need to worry about this. Do not do this process for more than 8 times or for more than about 2 weeks.
(Note by Stephanie Relfe: It worked for me by saying “when I am in mental contact with the man on my list)
One man met the exactly the right lady for him. He was somewhat stunned as usual with the success of subjective communication as in this case he specified some fairly tight requirements. He met her by “talking” to her 6-8 times over 2 weeks. She turned up 6 weeks after he first started talking to her.
As a service to the planet, you might even like to adopt an influential person (politician, businessman, military leader etc.) who can help to make the world a better place, and give them some positive suggestions.
There is one important thing to remember here. The left brain is the analytical one which handles all the nitty-gritty but the right brain only deals with “over-all concepts”. When doing Subjective Communication do not transmit facts and figures. That is left-brain stuff. If you do, you will may break the neural connection. Merely project win / win concepts. You must treat the receiver as your equal. Offer mutually beneficial suggestions which you clearly visualise the receiving party agreeing with.
The only actual downside of subjective communication is that if you do a lot it can be draining waking up night after night. It basically means that you have to go to bed early so that when you wake up you have had enough sleep to be able to concentrate on the message without dozing off.
If you are using subjective communication, it is strongly recommended that you keep the knowledge to yourself. If you tell people what you are doing it is highly likely that they will feel as if they have been manipulated.
Some people may perceive this as controlling others, but you control others all day long anyway with your thoughts. The fact that you are broadcasting subjectively all the time has a constant effect on others. It is just that in this case you are controlling and directing your subjective broadcasts.”
Again, this is not the same as controlling someone. People on this crazy planet we live on are continually being controlled by such things as TV, advertisements, music, hypnosis, mind control, drugs, past painful events in their subconscious mind and demons, as well as general thoughts flying around. This is an attempt to give them a communication that will help them to break free of programming which is causing pain to themselves and others.

Please download the free booklet on Removing Alien and Military Mind Control Commands. This is a direct download without signing up for anything. Only then will you understand why this information will never be discussed on any UFO or Conspiracy site and will never be touched by broadcasters like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or George Noory.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. This information is not backed up by scientific evidence. This is just for your information. This information and these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. Results are not typical. Individual results may vary. Because every person's situation is different , the author of this article will not be held responsible for any negative results which come from reading or acting upon the information in this article. Use at your own risk. We make no medical claims for any products, nor do we sell them or offer them for the treatment for any ailment.
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